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Kansas Wesleyan University

Words from Dr. Matt Thompson


感谢您花时间了解更多千亿国际登录千亿国际登录充满活力的社区的信息. 我们完全致力于我们的使命的各个方面-学术卓越, spiritual development, 个人福祉和社会责任——我们在大大小小的方面都证明了这一点.

这可以从我们的教授对学生的个人关注中看出. 这些关系经常被校友认为是帮助他们取得学业成功的关键, grow personally and pursue professional goals. 我们的承诺是显而易见的,筹集了3000多万美元用于升级学术设施和技术, new and updated student housing, 即将到来的比伯餐厅,以及山姆教堂和音乐空间的翻新和扩建. Our campus thrives due, in large part, 为学生创造实习和课外机会的社区伙伴关系和校友关系.

我们认识到,拥有丰富的经历能让学生更好地面对未来的挑战. 这就是为什么我们热情地支持我们的25个NAIA运动队, our DECA business competition team, 众多的音乐合奏和多种戏剧表演. We have a one-of-its-kind Campus Ministry program, 每个团队和几个学术单位都有专门的牧师参加练习, 游戏和表演,使自己充分地提供给学生. In addition, Monday Night Alive, 小组和基督徒运动员团契滋养学生的属灵成长. From intramurals to Debate and Forensics, 有很多方法可以让学生参与进来, gain new skills and meet new friends.

如果有什么我可以帮助你探索堪萨斯卫斯理的, please be in touch. Come to my monthly open Coyote Chats, 和我和我的家人一起在Shriwise餐厅吃晚餐, 在Coyote的体育比赛中抓住我,或者在美术活动中坐在我旁边. 在我们的千亿国际登录页面上了解校园最新动态,并在社交媒体上关注我们. I hope to see you on campus soon!

All the best,

Matt Thompson

President Thompson on campus

Dr. Matt Thompson

Since April 15, 2013, Dr. Matthew R. 汤普森曾担任千亿国际登录第19任校长. 在一个学术领导力瞬息万变的世界里, Thompson has been a beacon of consistency for KWU. 他是哈佛大学137年历史上任期第四长的校长.

That consistency has led to exceptional growth. 这所大学的捐款增加了近50%, 发布了创纪录的入学人数(自2019年以来增长了30%),并对其足迹进行了有史以来最重大的改变. KWU added its first new, 随着2021年护理教育中心的开放,50多年来的校园学术大楼. 接下来是2024年1月Coyote Village的开放(这是该大学近60年来第一个新建的学生宿舍),以及音乐设施的翻新和扩建, including Sams Chapel, which will open in the fall of 2024.

汤普森倡导务实的、现实世界的合作,为每个人增加机会. Work with the Salina Family YMCA, 当地执法部门和全国知名的非营利组织都为学生提供了新的工作机会, learn and engage with the world around them. 这包括该大学启动的社区恢复中心, 一个主动专注的工作,将导致一个更稳定的, secure and equitable ecosystem in the region.

邝其志也是大学多元化的倡导者, 从事与dei相关的问题和议题的公平和包容工作, both on campus and in the community.

Thompson has also fostered efforts to realize the importance of spirituality on KWU’s campus and to adhere to KWU’s faith-based ideals; that is, 尊重联合卫理公会所信奉的哲学:“敞开心扉。, Open Minds, Open Doors.在他任职期间,我校的校园事工项目有了显著的发展. 每个体育项目和众多活动都有指定的牧师, 谁为学生提供精神上的领导和关怀, and KWU has added an additional campus pastor, as well.

Before coming to KWU, 汤普森曾担任佛罗里达南方学院的副校长. Beginning his career at his alma mater, Mercer University, 汤普森曾担任过各种行政职务. He has a broad base of experience, including advancement and fundraising, student life, academic curricula development, and alumni and community relations.

汤普森在萨利纳州和该州的几个董事会和委员会任职. He earned his Bachelor of Arts in Communication & 获得美世大学戏剧艺术和工商管理硕士学位. 他拥有佐治亚大学高等教育管理博士学位.

汤普森是一名鹰级童子军,并在美国童子军中担任过一名page.S. House of Representatives.

He, his wife, Jennifer, and their daughter enjoy traveling as a family, 参与千亿国际登录的各个方面,参加萨利纳社区的许多文化艺术机会.

More Information

Coyote Chats With President Thompson

Dr. Thompson invites students, 教师和工作人员停下来并访问任何主题, or to share good news about your area of interest.

No Appointment necessary.

探视时间控制在10分钟以内,以便其他来访者与医生见面. Thompson.

土狼与汤普森总统聊天- 2024年的日期和时间

2024 Dates:

Tuesday, October 2, 1:30 – 2:30 PM
President’s Office

Friday, November 8, 2:30 – 3:30 PM
Student Activities Center

Wednesday, December 4, 2:00 – 3:00 PM
Student Activities Center


Friday, February 2, 2:30-3:30 p.m.
Student Activities Center

Wednesday, March 22, 1:30-2:30 p.m.
President’s Office, PH #220

Wednesday, April 19, 2-3 p.m.
Student Activities Center

土狼与汤普森总统聊天- 2023年的日期和时间

Focused Vision Statement

This focused vision statement 是一套指导原则,决定所有葵华大学社区成员的行动和决定.

List of KWU Presidents

Dr. Matthew R. Thompson: 2013 – Present

Dr. A. Wayne Lowen (Interim): 2012-2013

Dr. Fletcher M. Lamkin: 2010—2012

Dr. Craig Dean Willis (Interim): 2009

Dr. Philip P. Kerstetter: 2002-2009

Rev. Dr. Marshall P. Stanton: (Interim – Dec. 1983-Feb. 1984) 1984-2002

Dr. Daniel L. Bratton: 1973-1983

Rev. C.M. Fogleman, Jr. (Interim): 1973

Dr. Paul W. Renich: 1969-1973

Rev. Dr. D. Arthur Zook: 1955-1969

George W. Richards (Acting): 1954-1955

Dr. A. Stanley Trickett: 1950-1954

Herbert J. Root: 1946-1950

E.K. Morrow: 1938-1946

Rev. Dr. Larkin B. Bowers: 1919-1937

Albert H. King (Acting): 1918-1919

Dr. John F. Harmon: 1915-1918

Dr. Robert P. Smith: 1908-1915

Thomas W. Roach: 1903-1908

Wilbur F. Hoyt (Acting): 1902-1903

Ansel Gridley (Acting): 1902

Milton E. Phillips: 1900-1902

F.D. Tubbs (Acting): 1899-1900

George J. Hagerty: 1896-1899

Edward W. Mueller: 1894-1896

Dr. Aaron Schuyler: 1887-1894

William F. Swahlen: 1886-1887

Contact Information

您可以致电(785)833-4302与总裁办公室联系,或通过电子邮件发送总裁行政助理谢淑丽(Jan Shirk) [email protected].